Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tuesday 19th July 2011

Today it rained all day, so not many photographs were taken!  The Under 12's had a great training session with Coach Lindsey, the Under 15's learned some impressive skills from coach Austin and the 1st team were practicing dead ball situations with Coach Phil.

We then played a match against Dundee.  The Under 12's were completely outclassed and easily beaten.  They did play very well with a lot of heart and I think they learned an awful lot from the experience.  Number one being to rest before a big game.

The under15's won their match although it was very difficult throughout.  Dundee were very strong from the start of the match, but our boys came through in the end with some impressive football.

The 1st team lost their match but we had 2 fantastic goals from Sean, who looked impressive all the way throughout the match.

Well done to all the teams that participated for their sportsmanship.

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